Friday, August 19, 2011

Positive Thinking

Positive Thinking

AS HUMANS, like all sentient things in our world, we seek safety and security above almost everything. This is one of our key instincts that forms part of the back-drop of our growth from child to adulthood. We learn from our parents, other people and events we experience as we grow up, how to be loved and how to stay safe. Some of the lessons we may have learned, worked for us as children, but are no longer appropriate as adults. Others are the product of difficult or traumatic experiences in the past, most usually during childhood, which have left a legacy of negative beliefs and thought patterns.

Our thoughts and therefore our lives can be changed if you are truly ready to commit to the process of change. I know it works, I've seen it transform peoples lives first hand.

If you are seeking to improve or change your life, then to achieve it using spiritual techniques you will have to integrate the following principles into your life. Don't Panic! It is not something that anyone can do all at once. But by slowly finding ways to adopt these principles into your life, you will grow spiritually and as a person. From this inner strength and love all change is possible.

9 Principles for Positive Change

Love & Self-Esteem

Unconditional Love

Love yourself and others and the world around you without limitations. Accepting yourself and everything around you with love. This is the ultimate focus of all our work, at the very centre of everything, if you can truly love and accept yourself, then your life experience has no limits.



Forgive Everyone and Release the Past - When we hold something unforgiven inside, we are nurturing anger, hatred and resentment or maybe even guilt. These emotions lock us into the moment and drain mental and life energy. Holding such emotions inside longterm will create sickness in the soul and in the body.


Conscious Living Self Awareness

Start Living Consciously - Become aware of your actions, your thoughts and words. When you find yourself off principle or taking a negative perspective, stop yourself. Turn it around into something more positive and self nurturing. You will notice the change in the way people react to you because they will have noticed the change in you

Gratitude, Prosperity and Abundance

Gratitude Prosperity Abundance

Be open to and grateful for our natural abundance - Our world is infinitely abundant. However this natural flow of abundance can be blocked by a belief that we do not deserve things or a failure to recognize or appreciate what we already have.


Being Honest

Be Honest with yourself and others - Without the ability to be honest (often brutally) with oneself and with others you will not be able to make progress with your changes. This means abandoning all those little fibs and pretences that can seem part of every day life. To succeed with change you must be prepared to face your truths and confront the fears that this exposes.

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